About Us

Mr. Varala Mallaiah

We want to promote ourselves as one of the top school buses and travel bus companies. Vijaya Transport Company was founded by Mr. Varala Mallaiah, a first-generation businessman in 1999, and now his son Mr. Varala Shravan Kumar continues the company to the next generation which has operations in Hyderabad and school bus and travel bus transportation is the group’s primary line of business.
Providing transportation services to local corporate, multinational, and governmental organisations while working a single shift is a key line of business.

Mr. Varala Shravan Kumar

vision & mission

The truth of today’s school bus service is that managing transportation for schools is difficult and stressful because of how busy the world is getting. Handling parent demands, finding competent labour, developing routes, procuring, and deploying new school buses all require a certain level of knowledge and expertise. All of them can be time- and energy-consuming, and in the classroom, you need to focus.
To satisfy the common goals of schools, parents, and society, Vijaya Transport aims to educate and empower the industry with innovation, creativity, and easy access to technology.